gluten free pancakes

Easy Gluten Free Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Pancakes are one of the greatest breakfasts foods ever created, and we think we can all agree that nothing is better than pancakes from scratch. The fluffy texture combined with the endless flavor and topping variations mean this classic is always finding new life, plus when you use a pancake recipe from scratch you can feel love that went into the pancake.  Homemade pancakes are always being reinvented so they never get old. One new variation of an easy pancake recipe are gluten free pancakes.

There are tons of recipes out there for gluten free pancakes. Some of them use up to three different kinds of flours.  We wanted to bring you one that features one of our favorite legumes, the chickpea also known as the garbanzo bean, and is much simpler. These wheat free pancakes have a distinct color and texture that will bring new life to your breakfast table. The almond extract and cinnamon cover up the somewhat bitter taster of the flour, leaving you with a delightful nutty flavor. What else is important in a pancake? The texture. These pancakes have the fluffiness that everyone craves in a pancake. 

To make our recipe for gluten free pancakes you will need a grinder in order to make your own garbanzo bean flour. Garbanzo bean flour has many names; a number of Asian cultures call it gram flour. It also goes by besan flour and chickpea flour. If you are wondering why the chickpea and its flour have so many different names it is because it is one of the earliest cultivated legumes and the name you use most likely depends on your family heritage. There have been 7,500-year-old remains of garbanzo beans found in the Middle East. That means this pulse has been cultivated by man since the invention of the wheel! You can make flour from this ancient grain at home simply by grinding the beans or if you are looking to add an even bigger flavor profile to your flour you can roast the chickpeas first. Roasting them first will help reduce the bitter taste often associated with this flour. Another tip for making chickpea flour if your are using the Wondermill is to grind the beans very slowly. They are large beans and you don’t want to overload the grinder and fry it. Now that you know about garbanzo bean flour and its many names the recipe is really a very simple pancake recipe and we think it will quickly become one of your favorite gluten free breakfast ideas.

Cooking Tip for Garbanzo Beans: We ground two pounds of garbanzo beans at a time and then stored the flour in a container for use as needed.



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