splet bread recipe

Spelt Harvest Bread


Bread making is an ancient craft that has stood the test of time, evolving alongside humanity's journey through history. At its core lies a simple yet profound alchemy - the transformation of humble ingredients into nourishing sustenance that has sustained civilizations for millennia. Today, we delve into this timeless tradition, focusing our attention on the exquisite grain known as spelt flour, and its role in creating bread of unparalleled flavor and texture.

Understanding Spelt Flour:

Spelt, a close relative of wheat, traces its origins back to ancient civilizations, where it was revered for its robust flavor and nutritional richness. Unlike modern wheat varieties, which have undergone extensive breeding and modification, spelt has remained largely unchanged over the centuries, preserving its unique characteristics and ancient heritage.

What sets spelt apart is its distinct flavor profile - a delicate balance of nuttiness and sweetness that adds depth and complexity to breads and baked goods. This nuanced taste, coupled with its hearty texture, makes spelt flour a favorite among discerning bakers seeking to elevate their creations to new heights.

loaf of splet bread recipe

The Nutritional Benefits of Spelt:

Beyond its exceptional taste and texture, spelt flour boasts an impressive array of nutritional benefits. Rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, spelt provides a nourishing foundation for a healthy diet. Its high fiber content supports digestive health and promotes feelings of satiety, while its protein-packed profile helps to maintain muscle mass and regulate blood sugar levels.

Additionally, spelt contains essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc, which play vital roles in supporting overall health and well-being. With its nutrient-dense composition, spelt flour offers a wholesome alternative to refined wheat flour, making it a popular choice among health-conscious consumers.

spelt flour

Incorporating Spelt Flour into Bread Making:

Whether you're an experienced baker or a novice enthusiast, incorporating spelt flour into your bread making endeavors is a rewarding experience. Its versatility lends itself to a wide range of recipes, from rustic artisan loaves to delicate pastries and everything in between.

When working with spelt flour, it's important to note that its lower gluten content compared to wheat flour may require slight adjustments to your baking technique. Spelt doughs tend to be more delicate and less elastic, requiring gentler handling and shorter mixing times to avoid overworking the gluten.

In the art of bread making, every ingredient plays a crucial role in shaping the final outcome - from the quality of the flour to the precision of the baking process. With its ancient heritage and unparalleled flavor, spelt flour stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of traditional bread making, inviting us to rediscover the joys of artisanal craftsmanship and wholesome nourishment. So, the next time you embark on a baking adventure, consider reaching for a bag of spelt flour and experience the magic for yourself.


Comments 7

Marge Beck on

I have made this recipe 2 times now and is it ever good. I used maple syrup both times and the first time I made bread. The second time I made rolls and they turned out fabulous. Thx so much for this recipe. It is a keeper. I milled my own spelt flour, so good.

melissa on

i am lost the instructions mention add honey etc but recipe does not call for honey calls for maple syrup?

Cindy on

This sounds really good. But, milk and salt were left out of the ingredient list. How much do we add? And do we use maple syrup or honey? Thanx.

shelly on

you mention milk in the instructions but not in the ingredients.

Tom Veldhouse on

Step 2 indicates milk is to be added, but milk is not listed in the list of ingredients.

Bernadette on

Recipe instructions call for adding milk, which is not listed in the ingredients.???

Rose Araya on

How much milk?

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